
With your help, we are able to serve thousands of neighbors in need every year. Read on to learn more about the impact you have in our community.

Smiling mom with her child

Your Impact In Our Community

Katya and her two young children were experiencing homelessness. They face uncertainty every day, but Katya knows that she can turn to Community Resource Center for help making sure she has enough food for her kids.

"Community Resource Center is there for me. With food becoming more expensive ... CRC is my primary help. Hopefully one day I’ll come not as a client, but as a volunteer.

Food & Nutrition Program

Donna’s journey began after experiencing traumatic abuse and leaving home, moving from motels to safe parking programs. As a senior living with a brain condition and disability, Donna came to CRC for help  finding stability. Her life changed when she found a compassionate team that supported her every step of the way. 

"CRC was instrumental to helping me find home again.”

Homelessness Intervention Program
Mother and daughters

Through counseling with CRC’s Dual Diagnosis Clinician and participation in our domestic violence support group, Paula transformed from surviving to thriving. She ended an abusive relationship and processed her grief over the loss of her late husband. Paula discovered her self-worth and is now determined to support others facing similar challenges, eager to “pass on the healing and learning.”

Domestic Violence Prevention and Counseling

Letter To Our CRC Supporters

Dear Friends,

It’s with great pleasure that I share with you the remarkable journey of your Community Resource Center (CRC). 2023 was a year featuring growth, resilience and the unwavering dedication of direct service staff, volunteers and donors to our mission of helping our neighbors create their paths to healthy food, stable homes and safe relationships.

It’s heartening to share that, despite economic hurdles and the challenges facing our community, CRC’s ability to meet the need has prevailed. Inflation posed significant challenges for families and seniors, exacerbating the complex issue of access to vital resources. 

Your support ensured CRC was able to respond to the notable increase in the number of individuals and families seeking assistance from our center. Your support also reinforced the critical role CRC plays in meeting essential needs during times of financial strain.

CRC’s commitment to innovation and adaptability led us to introduce new programs aimed at addressing emerging needs within our community. Among these is the Trauma Recovery Center, a vital resource providing comprehensive  therapeutic and medical support to those navigating the challenging journey from trauma to healing – especially trauma associated with being unsheltered. This addition to our repertoire of services highlights our dedication to fostering holistic well-being and resilience among everyone we serve.

CRC reached just over 90% of the $10.5 million One Community • One Heart capital campaign goal, and also expanded with new service centers in the neighboring cities of Carlsbad and San Marcos, along with new programs in Solana Beach. This expansion makes CRC’s services more accessible to our neighbors in need and underscores our vision of creating socially just and equitable communities across our region.

Together, we have made a tangible difference in the lives of countless individuals and families. I’m confident that our continued collaboration will realize greater impact in the years to come. 

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to the mission of Community Resource Center.

Healthy Food

Hope is knowing where your next meal is coming from.

Individuals and families receive healthy food and personal care items at our Food & Nutrition Center, ensuring they have enough to eat while saving scarce dollars for rent, utilities, medical expenses and transportation.

In 2023:


Visits Made To Our Food & Nutrition Center


Thousand Pounds of Nutritious Food Distributed In Our Food & Nutrition Center


People Received Food and Blankets During The Holidays

Stable Homes

Hope is knowing where you are going to sleep tonight.

CRC assists unsheltered individuals, and those who are at risk of becoming unsheltered, with housing, resources, rental assistance, financial education and individualized support.

In 2023:


Case Management Sessions Provided Housing Assistance and Resources


Individuals Received Assistance Through Case Management


Individuals Found Safe Housing Through Our Intervention Programs, Domestic Violence Shelter and Transitional Housing Units

Safe Relationships

Hope is knowing your family is safe from domestic violence.

Survivors of domestic violence come to us for emergency shelter, food, counseling, legal advocacy and housing assistance. Our program is a beacon of safety for them and their children.

In 2023:


Calls Answered On Our 24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline
(877) 633-1112


People Received Domestic Violence Prevention Education


Counseling Sessions Provided Compassionate Care, With Guidance And Resources To Heal