Computer Safety
Important information for you to consider regarding your computer safety.

Computer Safety Information
If you are using a computer, tablet or smartphone to learn more about domestic violence and resources, you need to know that your searches and browsing history can be monitored by others. Here in important information for you to consider:
What Device to Use
Using someone else’s computer, tablet or smartphone is the safest way to learn about domestic violence and ways to get help. You might be able to use one belonging to friends or family, away from your abuser or household, or one that is available at a library, school, community center or other public place. Although you can take steps to clear the search and browsing history from your own devices, it is impossible to remove all data related to your computer activities. It is strongly recommended you use a device the abuser cannot access.
“Safety Exit” Button
If you are using personal devices to visit, clicking on the “Safety Exit” button on the right-hand side (or "Exit" button on mobile devices) will redirect you to Please use this exit button in the event you are surprised by someone and need to immediately change the web site you are viewing.
Search History
If you conduct searches using search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing or others, you need to know these services learn your search behavior and make future suggestions based on your previous search terms. Someone using the same device after you can figure out what information and sites you’ve been searching. You should clear your search history after each time you use the device.
To learn more about how to clear your search history:
Browsing History
The browser also tracks the websites you visit unless you turn off the tracking or clear your browsing history. To learn more about this:
Most websites leave “cookies” on your computer, which are small files that contain to tell the website how to respond when you return to the site, such as pre-populating forms to save you time.
Here you can learn how to delete cookies on your computer:
Device Safety
Smartphones and tablets are the same as computers. If you use your smartphone or tablet to search domestic violence sites, please use the computer safety information above to remove your browsing and search history from your devices. (You will need to know which browser you are using to do so.)
Additional resources:
Social Media Accounts and Email
Below are resources offering advice on how to use email and social media.
Tech Safety: The National Domestic Violence Hotline
Email Safety: