No one should have to worry about where their next meal is coming from, especially seniors.
“I can’t tell you how getting those beautiful things from you brightened up my week. It’s hard getting older and not being well … Thank you so much.”
CRC participant, senior food recipient

a senior client during our First Light Program.
Food insecurity is a harsh reality in our community, with 1 in 4 San Diegans facing uncertainty about their next meal, including 172,000 older adults and 216,000 children (SD Hunger Coalition).
Thanks to the generosity of supporters like you, CRC provided healthy food to 20% more seniors (age 60+) last year compared to 2022. This year, we’re serving over 230 seniors each month through our Food & Nutrition Center. These numbers represent more than just statistics—they reflect the real lives of seniors who feel cared for, and not alone, thanks to the support they receive.
CRC’s Food & Nutrition Center nourishes individuals and families who are hungry or food insecure and offers the dignity of choice at our food pantry. Annually, we distribute over 505,000 pounds of food to our neighbors in need, serving an average of 570 households each month, including families, seniors, and individuals experiencing homelessness.
We are deeply thankful for our grocery and community partners who provide rescued food for our pantry. We also depend on community donations to meet the increasing demand. As more people come to us in need of assistance, our community’s continued support is crucial in ensuring that we can serve everyone who turns to us for help. Together, we provide the care, compassion, and resources to help vulnerable families and individuals in North County San Diego create paths to a brighter future.