Food donation drives help keep our food pantry stocked, we welcome donations throughout the entire year! To make this process more efficient for storing and shelving, we request that you select one item to focus on for your donation drive.
elp Provide Healthy Food for our Neighbors in Need
One in seven of our neighbors don’t know where their next meal is coming from and one in five children are food insecure in San Diego County. Your support can help meet the needs of hundreds of families who visit our Food & Nutrition Center monthly.
Host a Food Drive
Community Resource Center provides nonperishable and fresh food to an average of 50+ households in need each weekday. The need is great, and we need your help to keep our food pantry stocked with these top ten items:
- Dried Fruits & Nuts
- Canned Chicken/Meat/Fish
- Canned Carrots
- Canned Green Beans
- Bagged Pinto or Black Beans
- Lentils/Quinoa
- Condiments (Salad Dressings, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Vinegar, etc.)
- Hearty Canned Soups, Chili and Stews
- Healthy Snacks (granola bars, chips, jerky)
- Oil (24 oz or smaller)
*Items currently not needed: Top Ramen, Macaroni & Cheese
To host a food drive, please contact: Yanira Frias, Food and Nutrition Program Manager.
You will receive information from the food drive coordinator on drop-off/pick-up dates and locations. Thank you!
[helpme_call_to_action style=”default” text_size=”16″ font_weight=”inhert” text=”Give healthy food to neighbors in need by hosting a food drive” button_text=”Food Drive Flyer” button_url=”” outline_skin=”#444″ outline_hover_skin=”#fff”]
Donation Drop-offs
Information can be found on our Donate Items or Host a Drive page. For larger drives, please arrange a drop off by contacting Yanira Frias, Food and Nutrition Program Manager.
Questions? Please contact Cindy Collins for more information at or (760) 230-6307.
Support our Food Pantry!
If you prefer to support us with a financial gift…Thank you! Our bulk purchasing power allows us to stretch every dollar into more meals.
- $10 can help buy 25 bags of rice
- $25 can help buy 35 containers of oatmeal
- $50 can help buy 70 cans of tuna or chicken
[helpme_button style=”three-dimension” size=”large” bg_color=”#00A8A1″ txt_color=”#fff” outline_skin=”#444444″ outline_hover_skin=”#fff” icon=”theme-icon-video” url=”” target=”_blank” align=”left” id=”Button ID” margin_bottom=”15″]Donate today[/helpme_button]
Community Resource Center’s Food & Nutrition Center is a gold-certified nutrition pantry and a proud partner of Feeding San Diego.
[helpme_button style=”three-dimension” size=”large” bg_color=”#00A8A1″ txt_color=”#fff” outline_skin=”#444444″ outline_hover_skin=”#fff” icon=”theme-icon-video” url=”” target=”_blank” align=”left” id=”Button ID” margin_bottom=”15″]Learn more about our Food Program[/helpme_button]
Thank you for your generosity!