Denise and Jason were homeless for over a year after losing their home in Fallbrook. Jason’s epilepsy and health condition made it difficult for the couple to get back on their feet and they were forced to find shelter at churches in the area and in a make-shift shelter in Bonsall.
In December 2017, the Lilac Fire burned through the Bonsall river bed, destroying Denise and Jason’s temporary shelter and everything they owned. After the devastation of the fire, the couple was in need of emergency food, shelter and help improving their financial situation.
Denise and Jason had heard about Community Resource Center and drove to the center in the only possession they had left, a Vespa. CRC connected Denise and Jason with the Interfaith Shelter Network, an organization of congregations of faith who provide shelter and services to those who are homeless during the fall and winter months. Community Resource Center works with families who are part of the network to provide case management support.
Denise and Jason met with their CRC case manager, Laura. Denise says, “She was really compassionate, caring and understanding. She was encouraging. You don’t ever forget the people that helped you.”
While staying at the United Methodist Church shelter, the couple came to CRC for food and participated in our financial, career and resume classes.
Jason shared, “You helped us believe in ourselves again. When you can’t take a shower for weeks at a time, your confidence goes down. You gave us a hand up and not a hand out.”
Denise and Jason continued to work with CRC case manager, Chad, to find permanent housing. Just last month, the couple moved into their new apartment and continue to work towards their financial goals to become more stable. They will also be participating in Holiday Baskets this year to receive food, coats, blankets and a few gifts to brighten the season.
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