CRC Holiday Baskets COVID-19 Update

Holiday Baskets Drive-Thru Distribution will take place on Saturday, December 5

In response to COVID-19, Community Resource Center’s 38th Annual Holiday Baskets Program will take place as a drive-thru, contactless distribution on Saturday, December 5. Participating families will receive food, blankets and family gift bags through a contactless distribution model.

CRC is committed to the public health of our community and equally committed to providing life-essentials for economically challenged people. For 37 years, Community Resource Center’s Holiday Baskets program has alleviated the financial stress of the holidays – providing help and hope to economically challenged families, especially for children.

Volunteering: In order to provide a safe, contact-free drive-thru event, our volunteer need is significantly smaller this year. Because of this, we will not be able to schedule general volunteers for this year’s event. If you are a past or current partner group, we will reach out to you by November 1 with any openings we may have. CRC is grateful for your understanding and continued support despite these changes.

Registration: Due to the pandemic, the 2020 Holiday Baskets program will not be open for registration to the public. Eligible participants will be contacted by Community Resource Center by e-mail or Holiday Baskets partnering organizations regarding registration for the 2020 Holiday Baskets program. If you’d like more information about other holiday food & gift programs, please contact 2-1-1 San Diego at (858) 300-1211 or (800) 227-0997.

We hope our community will continue to support Holiday Baskets and encourage everyone to be creative in how they do this:

  • Donation drives, focused on our “wish list” of items required for each participant/household – Drives Wish List coming soon!
  • Crowdfunding, competing with your friends and regional offices to raise money to cover the cost of providing the Holiday Baskets
  • Sharing our mission and Holiday Baskets with your social media contacts.
  • Hosting a fundraiser on your Facebook page.

In addition to Holiday Baskets, thousands of pounds of food are required each month to ensure individuals and families receive non-perishable food each time they visit Community Resource Center’s Food & Nutrition Center. Your support will help us provide food this holiday season … and into next year!

To get involved, please visit or contact us at