Community Resource Center and City of Encinitas partnership will continue to help address homelessness
Encinitas, CA, July 13, 2017—Thanks to the City of Encinitas and a second-year Opening Doors Project grant, Community Resource Center (CRC) will continue to provide sustainable housing for homeless in Encinitas and beyond. The City’s continued funding ensures CRC has the resources needed to connect eligible candidates, including veterans, with permanent housing options.
“I am so grateful for Community Resource Center being there for me. I can’t describe the miracle of being in an apartment after once sleeping on the cement next to a transformer. That was my unfortunate reality and it was really really scary every single day,” said Michael Williams, a CRC participant.
Michael Williams, a college graduate, published author, and proud USMC veteran, found himself in crisis when he became sick and was unable to continue working, eventually losing his housing. He first heard about CRC from a fellow passenger on a bus ride as a place to receive food assistance. After his first visit during which he received healthy food, he was matched with his case manager who helped him enroll in the Opening Doors project. Today, Michael has an apartment of his own in North Park. He is focused on raising awareness about CRC, and homelessness in our community, and has published several books on Amazon. Learn more at:
The program connects eligible participants such as Michael with a Housing Navigator, who conducts a thorough intake assessment, utilizing tools such as the San Diego Vulnerability Index & Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool (VI-SPDAT). This tool helps establish a priority assigned to each individual case to determine whether the client is ready for housing. Once enrolled, participants are also assigned a case manager to help him or her with other immediate needs such as food security. By the end of its pilot period, CRC provided permanent housing to 32 households, of which five were veterans.
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About Community Resource Center:
Established in 1979, Community Resource Center (CRC) is a nonprofit organization that works to end hunger, homelessness and domestic violence in North County San Diego. As a provider of integrative services, CRC’s programs include a domestic violence emergency shelter, hotline and prevention/education outreach, a Therapeutic Children’s Center, professional counseling, legal advocacy, food and nutrition distribution center, homelessness prevention and rental and housing assistance. All of CRC’s programs are designed to assist participants to successfully navigate their paths of safety, stability & self-sufficiency. For more information, please visit
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