What keeps us moving forward?
It’s entirely possible you received the same kind of holiday card as I did this year. A reflective statement about 2020 that read something like, “Well, that was crazy…” And as January 2021 nears its end, we can say the same thing.
In the beautiful, challenging, lovely, sorrowful, mixed experiences of everyday life – from the most personal to the global – what keeps us moving forward?
There are many answers to that question, and I think one of the key answers is hope. Not the kind of hope that’s attached to wishful thinking; but the kind of hope that’s informed by the lessons of history, intentional in the experiences today, and directed toward justice, beauty and the renewal of life in our tomorrows.
For all of the moments we can look back on and say, “Well, that was crazy,” Community Resource Center moves forward with a mission shaped by the hope that all of our neighbors will have paths to healthy food, stable homes and safe relationships.
Thank you for supporting CRC, and giving hope to our neighbors who are hungry, homeless and hurting.