Build Safe & Healthy Relationships for the Future
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month (TDVAM), a month-long campaign dedicated to raising awareness about teen dating abuse. Every February, young people and their loved ones join together across the country for a national effort to raise awareness about the issue of teen dating violence. Congress declared the month of February to be National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month in 2010.
Talk About It
Many teens have already been exposed to violence, either directly by a dating partner or indirectly by witnessing family members being abused. We can’t hide this problem; therefore, we must talk about it. The statistics show that 1 in 3 teens in the United States will experience physical, sexual, or emotional abuse by someone they are in a relationship with before they become adults. And nearly half (43%) of college women report experiencing violent and abusive dating behaviors.
Youth want and deserve to be their authentic selves and have the right to information and support when it comes to dating abuse. Our collective and shared experiences can empower us and others when we make the time to talk together. Youth and the adults in their lives need to talk about their experiences in caring, supportive, and real ways. and engage in meaningful conversations about healthy relationships and navigate behaviors that may be unhealthy or even abusive.
Education can prevent tragic behaviors from ever happening
Early intervention with teens, teaching them about healthy and unhealthy dating, can prevent abusive practices from ever developing. It can empower potential victims to set boundaries and practice self-care, and it can provide support to potential abusers to understand better ways to communicate, relate, and develop healthy intimate relationships.
Many parents and teachers feel ill-equipped to address these and related important questions, but early intervention can prevent unacceptable behaviors later on. The CRC program digs deep and makes a lasting impact.
What CRC Is Doing About It
In addition to comprehensive services to victims of domestic violence (DV), CRC works to prevent DV by teaching youth about dating violence and how to develop healthy relationships
What are physically and emotionally abusive dating behaviors? What can I do to help a friend in an abusive dating relationship? What are gender stereotypes and how can we overcome them? How can I express my feelings and emotions safely in a relationship? How can I express sexual boundaries clearly to a dating partner? Where is the line between checking in and digital stalking? How do you know when it’s ok to go further?
Luis Canseco is the DV Prevention and Education Manager at CRC. He goes to high schools in our area and teaches a Teen Dating Violence Prevention program that addresses these and other topics in an in-depth series of classes or workshops with student leaders. These students then become peer counselors helping other youth learn safe and healthy patterns that they can take into adulthood.
TDVAM 2023 Events & Activities
Feb 1, 5PM-7PM – Teens for Healthy Relationship Conference, One Safe Place, San Marcos
Tuesday, Feb 7, 2023 – Wear Orange Day / Day of Action
Wearing orange is a simple, yet meaningful way to raise awareness about teen dating violence. Snap a selfie or take a group picture of you with friends/family/co-workers all wearing orange. Take a selfie. Post on Social Media and tag us! Instagram:@sandiegocrc | Facebook:@SanDiegoCRC
Wednesday, Feb 13, 2023, 9AM-10AM – Free Webinar: Preventing Teen Dating Violence in Schools
For School Administrators, teachers, social workers, nurses, ASB advisors and coaches
Hosted by the Teen Dating Violence Committee in collaboration with the San Diego County Office of Education.
For the past three years the TDV Committee has been training schools across the county about TDV and prevention. This Feb 13 for the first time in our committee teens are taking the lead in presenting and leading the dialog about TDV and prevention.
The purpose of this event is for adults to hear and learn from teens about what matters to them, how is TDV occurring nowadays, how can adults better support teens, and what resources do they need. Youth is not the target audience for this webinar; however, they are welcome to join.
Register here to attend
For more information, email LCanseco@crcncc.org
California Partnership to End Domestic Violence
Love Is Respect
This website is full of information for teens to learn about developing healthy relationships, dating, personal safety, getting help and how to support others.
Text: LOVEIS to 22522 | Call: 1 (866) 331-9474 – 24/7 Hotline for Teens
If you or someone you know is experiencing dating violence or has questions about healthy relationships
Social Media Tags
#TDVAM #BeAboutIt #StrongerUnited #LoveIsRespect