If you are having trouble paying your energy bill, you might be eligible for programs and services that can provide financial assistance and help you avoid interruptions to your service.
San Diego Gas & Electric provides energy assistance programs:
- California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Program: Save 30% or more every month on your bill. Find out if you qualify at sdge.com/CARE.
- Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) Program: If you do not qualify for CARE and your household has three or more people, you may qualify for FERA. You could receive an 18% discount on your electric bill. Visit sdge.com/FERA to learn more.
- Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) Program: You may qualify to receive free energy-saving improvements for your home, like new appliances, lighting, insulation and more. Find details at sdge.com/ESA.
- Arrearage Management Plan (AMP): If you have outstanding bills and you are a CARE or FERA customer, you may be eligible for debt forgiveness. See if you qualify at sdge.com/AMP.
Flexible payment arrangements are also available to help you pay down past due balances. Learn more at sdge.com/Payment-Arrangements.
Even if you made a recent payment or set up a flexible payment plan with SDG&E, there may still be assistance programs available to help you. For a complete list of available offerings, visit sdge.com/assistance.
SDG&E is a CRC Annual Partner, providing year-round support to CRC’s programs.