“Home is something that you don’t realize how important it is until you lose it. I’m so happy to be able to call this place home.” – Sandy
For the first time in a long time, Sandy has a home where she can bake a cake with her granddaughter.
For two years, Sandy and her husband, Michael, were homeless and living in their van.
Sandy and Michael never thought they would lose their business and their home. The couple was doing well and owned a furniture store in Solana Beach. They lost the business when the rent was raised so high that they could no longer afford it. Then they started to experience health issues. “That’s how quickly this can happen,” Sandy says.
Sandy and Michael came to Community Resource Center for help and began working with a case manager, Laura. Sandy learned about a new apartment community, Mission Cove, built by CRC’s partners at Community HousingWorks. Mission Cove has special apartments set aside to help those experiencing homelessness.
“After two years of searching, hoping and praying, we got the news from Laura that we had a home at Mission Cove. We cried happy tears,” Sandy says.
Sandy said that when she was homeless, she learned a lot about life. “About surviving, humility and humanity. I realized that there are three things that we all need wherever you live in this world. That’s a home. That’s food. And that’s love. Home is where it all begins. It’s where we can rest, where we can think. It’s where my love is.”
Shortly after moving in, Sandy said that she was able to live out one of her dreams. She invited her son and five-year-old granddaughter over to her home. Sandy says, “We got to bake our first cake together. It was a dream come true.”
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