“Chad and the other counselors here at CRC found me a place to live after five years. I’m just so excited … today is moving day!” – Michelle, CRC participant
Michelle first walked through Community Resource Center’s doors at our Food & Nutrition Center. She had become homeless due to an illness and was in critical need of food and housing assistance.
At the time, Michelle was caring for her best friend, her dog named Maya. Unfortunately, all of Michelle’s housing options would not allow her to keep her dog, and Michelle was forced to choose between her dog and living on the streets.
For five years, Michelle and Maya were homeless. They continued to come to CRC to receive food. In late 2017, Michelle became very ill and needed shelter to survive the winter. CRC’s case managers helped her receive an emergency hotel voucher during that time. Soon after, Michelle was admitted to hospice, where she stayed for ten months. Maya was adopted by a Great Dane rescue organization.
Michelle recovered and returned to CRC and received case management, housing support and transportation assistance through the Encinitas Opening Doors Program. Michelle’s case manager, Chad, helped Michelle receive Rapid Rehousing to provide Michelle with the deposit and short-term rental assistance for an apartment at Mission Cove, an affordable apartment community for seniors in Oceanside. Michelle is on a fixed Supplemental Security Income (SSI) from a permanent disability and receives just enough to cover her rent and a few expenses. Michelle also worked with Chad to apply for CalFresh to help supplement her food budget.
On June 14, 2018, Michelle moved into her apartment after being homeless for over five years. Michelle continues to meet with Chad to examine her budget and ensure she will be able to meet her rent each month. Michelle says, “I’m just so excited … it’s hard to believe.”
Are you in need of housing assistance? Please call our Integrative Services office at: (760) 753-8300
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