Congratulations to CRC’s Volunteers of the Month: Capital Campaign Co-Chairs, Maddie Altschuler and Anne Daigle!
Anne Daigle and Maddie Altschuler are Board members who have been helping guide our capital campaign fundraising from the beginning by Co-Chairing the committee that lead our efforts to buy the building next door.
They both continue in their leadership roles by Co-Chairing the Capital Campaign Steering Committee.
Anne has volunteered at Holiday Baskets and is a longstanding volunteer in CRC’s food and nutrition center. She also serves on the Program Committee. Anne has been instrumental in making sure our communications focus on how the new building will benefit our clients, staff and volunteers, and in doing outreach to community members to introduce them to CRC’s mission and programs, resulting in more funding for the campaign.
Maddie’s volunteer leadership of CRC’s philanthropy programs began before the campaign when Maddie chaired the Board’s Marketing and Development Committee where she continues as a member. Her input on both committees has helped keep our communications clear and focused, to ensure our messaging resonates with all sectors of our community.
Thank you to Anne and Maddie for their commitment to CRC, our mission and our community!
If you’d like to learn more about CRC’s capital campaign, how you can support our shared vision for a new campus, and what naming opportunities are available, please visit the campaign website or send an email to OneHeart@crcncc.org.