In late 2015, Felix and his son found themselves victims of an abusive wife and mother. In one episode, Felix called 911 and had to go to the Emergency Room to receive medical attention. Though a police report was filed, Felix was unable to get his son to safety and he needed help.
Felix called CRC’s Domestic Violence Hotline and reported what happened with him and his son. Felix came in right away for Case Management and Counseling. Felix told CRC staff, “I miss my family and I want my family back.” Together with his case manager, Felix made a safety plan and received counseling, where he expressed the hurt and confusion that came after the 911 call.
During Case Management, Felix shared his plan to press criminal charges on his wife, file a temporary restraining order and retain a family law attorney. Unfortunately, at that time, the restraining order was not granted and his wife was granted physical custody of their son.
During the following weeks, CRC provided Felix with legal advocacy support and counseling in order to get his son to safety. In Spring 2016, an emergency hearing was held for bruising and child abuse and Felix was granted full custody of his son.
Felix expressed his gratitude for the guidance and healing that he received during the five months of case management and counseling. He also shared with us that he was able to pass an exam to get a license for better employment.
Today, Felix lives in a safe home with his mother and son. His goal is to continue to live free of violence and provide a safe and loving environment for his son.
CRC provides a 24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline (877-633-1112) and free legal services for survivors of domestic violence by our Legal Advocate.
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