Erin’s Story | Holiday Baskets

“It will mean everything to have a Christmas for my family.”

Before coming to Community Resource Center, Erin Martinez was feeling “stuck” in her situation and wanted a better future for her family. At the time, she was temporarily living with her daughter in her mother’s home and receiving welfare. She found out about CRC’s Back to Work career training program and enrolled.

After graduating the program and meeting with a CRC case manager, Erin soon found a job as an office assistant and a home of her own for her family through a transitional Section 8 program. She says, “CRC got me started, taught me basic skills and got me into a professional mentality.”

Today, Erin and her husband are both working full time and were recently able to transition off Section 8 housing. They are now paying their rent fully on their own and getting by, but with the high cost of rent in San Diego, they are unable to afford anything beyond necessities. Erin says, “The holidays get rough. CRC really helps those who need it.”

With the generous support of donors, the Martinez family was able to experience a more joyful Christmas last year as participants in Holiday Baskets. Thank you to the community for making this possible!

Holiday Baskets provides those struggling to make ends meet with both basic necessities and a few gifts to brighten their holidays. Families receive food boxes that provide a turkey or chicken and all the trimmings for a holiday meal and staples for the week.

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