Thank you to CRC volunteers, Mike and Janet Taetzch!
Longtime CRC volunteers Mike and Janet Taetzch are heading to New York to live closer to grandchildren. The Taetzsch’s have given 18 years combined service, compassion, leadership skills and time to CRC. From the thousands of families who have received crucial food support, to those who received holiday bicycles, to the staff and volunteers who have worked alongside of them, CRC says “Thank you!”
When asked for a recap of their time with CRC, they shared the following:
“I first became involved with the CRC around 2010 but I really can’t be sure. I just know we were doing the shopping for the participants from the front entry way and there was always a line out the door waiting to get in. I heard about the food Pantry from Apple Phillips and she trained me till I was ready to branch off and take the lead on Tuesdays. Our daughter, Hannah was drafted into service as well while she was between schooling years. Being part of the CRC food pantry was a weekly blessing for me. Working alongside my team members and seeing our group bond together over a common good was very rewarding. Seeing the participants each week and helping them with their food needs is part of giving back to the community I live in. I will miss my Tuesdays at the Food center.”
“I volunteered to become the Bike Captain in 2014 when I saw that John Economides was struggling to recruit for the position. I figured, ‘I may only know how to tighten handlebars and change a flat tire but I though I could at least get the area and workflow organized for doing bike repair.’ With each successive year I was able to make improvements in the work area, supplies, and tools available and learned a lot about fixing bikes from the experienced volunteers and you-tube. Plus, Janet and I have been able to work as a team in the role. It has been great to work with local sporting good and apparel companies, bike clubs, youth organizations and individuals who have returned year after year to make the bike distribution possible. I’ll miss working alongside the returning volunteers and seeing scouts or TVA members who mature each year in their contribution to the effort. There’s deep satisfaction in seeing a child receive their first bike or an adult receive a means of reliable transportation during the distribution period. It is a crazy two weeks each year but for those who come for a few hours or put in multiple shifts and for me, as the one privileged to lead the effort, it has never been a disappointment.”