Celebrating the CRC Tea Committee
While we like to celebrate one volunteer each month, it can be especially challenging at times. We have so many amazing volunteers who provide time, compassion and services to our mission, and we are grateful for each one.
This month, we want to acknowledge and highlight the CRC Tea Planning Committee. They truly demonstrated the “above and beyond” mentality.
Here’s a “Behind the scenes” look at the many ways the committee brought the beautiful CRC Tea fundraiser to life:
- Site visits to determine room layout, table settings
- Help to determine pricing
- Help to determine menu
- Help to determine strategy and objectives for the event

- Table settings
- Design and create centerpieces
- Create backdrop for selfie station
- Advise on design for stage backdrop
- Design, create and assemble all guest hospitality gifts
Raffle, Auction and Treasures of the Tea
- Outreach for all donated items
- Place items into packages
- Package items into baskets, bags, etc.
- Create and order special wrapping paper for the Treasures boxes, to match the event design theme
- Wrap all Treasures boxes
- Create signs and bid sheets for raffle and auction
- Complete oversight of the online silent auction – create packages, enter into event software, create photos for packages, audit all info

Set up & Tear Down
- Set up & tear down of the stage backdrop, including honorary committee volunteer Mattea Day who steamed the wrinkles out
- Table settings
- Selfie station
- Raffle, Treasures, Auction

Silent Auction & Raffle
Led by Ricka Sprunk, the Silent Auction Sub-Committee was incredibly dedicated this year as well! Seventeen strong, some started as early as January, doing outreach. Next, volunteers headed out to speak with potential donors in person, not only recruiting donations, but spreading the word about CRC to many local businesses. In all, the team collected nearly 300 donated items, which contributed a large portion of the revenue but also the FUN of the event! Ricka says of her auction team, “For me, the best part was sharing a lot of laughs and forging new friendships – it was a truly priceless experience!”

Committee Co-Chairs:
Carla Anderson, Katrina Dodson and Marie Lampone
Valerie Agnew, Gail Carroll, Harriett Cooke, Sue Dowd, Verona Endrizzi, Wendy Evers, Nadine Gnall, Jennifer Hawks, Liz Holston, Alice Jacobson, Karin Kloehn, Karen Koblentz, Trudy Kranz Whitney, Amy Larson, Janet Lawless-Christ, Kirstin Lee, Barbara Leuer, Karen Meador, Pat Moore, Gayle Patterson, Jane A. Sanders, Jody Sather, Ricka Sprunk, Carol Zeenkov, Eileen Zimmerman
Silent Auction Sub-Committee:
Val Agnew, Carla Anderson, Gail Carrol, Harriet Cooke, Janet Lawless-Christ, Katrina Dodson, Verona Endrizzi, Wendy Evers, Jennifer Hawks, Liz Holston, Karen Koblentz, Marie Lampone, Kirstin Lee, Karen Meadow, Gayle Patterson, Jody Sather, Ricka Sprunk, Carol Zeenkov, Eileen Zimmerman