“CRC has given me the strength and courage to not be ashamed over what I’ve had to experience in the last year.” – Annie, CRC participant
In 2016, Annie became fearful of an abusive husband. During a threatening episode, she faced a difficult decision and had to call the police and flee from her home. Over the next 12 months, Annie stayed with her dad or friends and lived in her car, left without a place to call home or a place to turn.
Annie received a Community Resource Center pamphlet from the police and began researching CRC online. She was inspired by another CRC participant, Michael Williams, whose story gave her the courage to come to CRC and has been her “inspiration to keep going.” Mr. Williams was once homeless and now has an apartment of his own.
Chad, a CRC Case Manager, worked with Annie to provide critical resources, including legal aid, a financial education class, case management, and even a rent deposit for housing.
“Chad was sweet and kind. He really showed he cared about what I was going through. He gave me the resources to be able to help myself. I am so grateful to Chad because I was scared to death to come here for help.”
Annie is beginning counseling and working on “letting go of the pain” of experiencing domestic violence. She is currently working as a substitute teacher and looking for a full-time opportunity.
Annie says that when she first told her friends and family what had happened, she felt humiliated and she felt like they thought she had caused it. Annie says, “CRC has given me the strength and courage to not be ashamed over what I’ve had to experience in the last year.”
CRC Domestic Violence Hotline: (877) 633-1112
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