Andrea’s Story | Domestic Violence Shelter

Andrea is a survivor. When she tried to stop her abusive husband from committing suicide, he shot her in the hand. Andrea was badly injured and rushed to the hospital.

Andrea knew she had to leave her husband of seven years for the safety of herself and her children. She was scared and had nowhere to turn.

Leaving an abusive relationship is the most dangerous time for a victim of domestic violence. According to the Domestic Violence Intervention Program, women are 70 times more likely to be killed in the two weeks after leaving than at any other time during the relationship. Andrea needed a safe place to go.

Andrea learned about CRC’s emergency shelter for domestic violence survivors and she her children, ages two and five, came to the shelter for safety and protection.

The family worked closely with CRC counselors and the Therapeutic Children’s Center Coordinator to begin a to heal and find a path ahead. Andrea’s children attended family counseling and played at the Therapeutic Children’s Center. Andrea worked with a CRC case manager to plan for her next steps and participated in the domestic violence support groups and classes, learning from other individuals who had experienced similar circumstances.

After living at our shelter and transitional housing for several months, Andrea and her children moved into an apartment of their own. While the family continues to heal and get back on their feet, Andrea had tears of gratitude and joy as they move toward a safer and brighter future ahead.

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